Thursday, October 28, 2010

Hold the BLT!

Although I am not a tomato person...  I do love me some bacon!  However, I am not talking about a delicious sandwich today! 

BLT- Bites, Licks, and Tastes!
When you cook and bake, BLTs can add calories to your day that you aren't even considering.  A bite of cookie dough, taste testing the frosting...  It all goes back to our childhood, when we were kids and mom was baking you were always waiting in the wings to lick the beaters or run your finger across the bottom of the brownie batter bowl!  Fast forward to our own adulthood, and here we are sharing this memory with our kids by giving them BLTs and of course, BLTing ourselves!  But, think about how much frosting or whatever you are really eating- before you even treat yourself to a cookie or other delicious cooking concoction!  Well, I only ate one cookie!  (After all the baking, but how many cookies worth of dough did I eat?  How much frosting did I eat while baking?) 

There's some food for thought, huh?!

Well, Dillon and I made some festive Halloween cookies, bats, pumpkins, and ghosts.  Sugar cookies from scratch and frosting from scratch that was first used as is for the ghosts, then dyed orange for the pumpkins, and then to the orange we added as much green and blue food coloring as it took to make the orange frosting a dark gray for the bats! 

Of course we had to top them off with sprinkles!!!

I made 3 trays of these delicious, festive cookies!  1 went to one my best friends and her family, 1 went to our next door neighbors (with 2 kids), the other- we ate some, and the rest I brought to the dorm for the girls!  I'm not going to lie, I am SO glad they are out of my house!

SO my parting thought for the evening...  The next time you are baking, remember to hold the BLT!


  1. That is great! It is so easy to BLT while you make the kids meals too!

  2. Or easy to finish up their plates at the end of the meal!
